For our reflection, I would like to share the post of Fr. Harnoko for all of us. We pray for Fr. Harnoko on his new journey in the Philippines. He had visited most of the communities here in Sendai Diocese, we express our thanks to him for all the things he has done for our community.
Here is Fr. Haru's prayer for all of us.
In the chapel of our mother house (Himeji), this morning I prayed, "Lord, I have left Ofunato and Sendai Diocese with so much gratitude. It is YOU who called me there to be with so many loving people. It is YOU who gave me this so much wonderful journey, to be with them in their misery as well as their joy. In these past 3 years, they have changed my life to be more hopeful, to be more compassionate especially when life is so desperate. I don't have enough words to thank them, but I trust in YOUR care for the community of Ofunato PAG ASA and Bayanihan Kesennuma, Minamisanriku and Ishinomaki, Sendai, Hirosaki and Hachinohe, Miyako and Kuji, Ichinoseki and Misuzawa, Watari and Fukushima, Iwaki and Onahama, Shirakawa and Sukagawa. Bless all my friends, oh Lord! Amen."
Faith in Action
Recollection in Shirakawa
Lenny and Sister Margarete guided the Shirakawa community during their lenten recollection. Choosing the theme : Being a Beloved Children of God, they help the group to reflect and to prepare for Easter. There were 12 people who joined in the recollection. Each one were given the opportunity to share about their own reflections on the theme.
After the recollection, we had the chance to meet Fr. Emil who will be the priest in Shirakawa church. We agree to continue the work together and collaborate with him in the ministry in the Shirakawa community
Koriyama Community Recollection
The Koriyama community had their recollection for the lenten season. Fr. Garry guided the group to reflect on how to prepare ourselves for the Easter Feast. Since it was also the cleaning day of the church, the group joined in the cleaning first and we gathered together in the chapel and had our recollection.
After the talk each one prepared themselves to receive the sacrament of reconciliation. Indeed it was a meaningful preparation for the Easter feast.
Noda Machi Mass
The Noda Machi community celebrated the mass together last April 6 in Noda Machi Fukushima Church. There were 15 of us who gathered together to pray and celebrated the mass.
After the mass the group met for the first time to talk about the preparation of the upcoming event this coming May 18 in Fukushima. The Hawak Kamay group have a new coordinator and she was encouraging each one to unite and cooperate for the group.
Thank you Fr. Haru
Fr. Haru guided the recollection in Mizusawa community and the community take this opportunity to thank Fr. Haru for the services he had done here in the diocese. The Mizusawa choir and community prepared a program for Fr. Haru.
A photo taken after the mass with Fr. Takahashi
Mass in Kuji
I arrived an hour before we have our mass, upon my arrival Fr. Sato welcomed me and guided me to the Kindergarten hall to celebrate the Palm Sunday there.
We celebrated the mass in both language in order to to be understood by both Japanese and Filipinos who were present in the Mass. I believe that big celebrations such as Palm Sunday should be understood by all those who are present in the mass.
Baptism in Kuji Church
During the Easter mass in Kuji the daughter of Geraldine was baptised. The Hachinohe community came to join in the celebration. Fr. Sato celebrated the Easter mass and officiated the baptism. The baptism was done in the Kindergarten hall. After the mass, there was a simple celebration and sharing prepare by the group.
The kindergarten hall was decorated for the celebration of Easter and Baptism.
Indonesian Group gathered for Farewell Party for Fr. Haru
As Fr. Harnoko tried to balance between cleaning, packing and preparing to move Himeji, he still give time to people for the last minute. Last April 22, the Indonesian group gathered together to for simple farewell and thanksgiving for Fr. Haru. Tati, Minami, Enchan, Dennis, and Zaky came to gathered together to say their thanks to Fr. Haru.
Meanwhile the younger members of the Hakkengai came to the church to invite us for a meal. They brought us to カフエビアンin San Riku cho Ofunato. The cafe is nicely located above the mountain overlooking the beautiful seaside of SanRiku.
Dig in. Each of us have his own order of curry rice, spaghetti etc.
Will try their hamburger set when I return soon.
Fr. Haru's Easter Mass and Farewell Party in Ofunato Church
Last Easter Sunday, Fr. Harnoko celebrated the mass in Ofunato church. Fr. Harnoko had been assigned as parish priest of Ofunato and Kamaishi Churches from April 2013-April 2014. Fr. Haru celebrated the Holy week masses in Ofunato and the Easter mass here. After the mass, the community in thanking Fr. Haru gave a simple farewell party.
From the post of Terada sensei, i found this
「はるのこうた」。桜満開の春に大船渡、日本を離れることになった惇心会のインドネシア出身、アントニウス・ハルノコー (Antonius Harnoko) 神父に捧げる歌が、今日、披露され、皆で歌われました。山浦玄嗣作詞、吉田美和作曲です。「ハルノコ歌」でもあり「春の小唄」でもあり。写真は作詞者と作曲者。
Hachinohe Mass
Thank you so much for the preparation the Hachinohe community for a simple birthday celebration after the mass.
We had the Palm Sunday celebration in Hachinohe Church. Fr. Sato join in our celebration. There were around 30 of us who gathered together to celebrate the Palm Sunday.
I never expected to blow a candle on my 41st birthday. Thank you so much for your care and the preparations you did after the mass.
MIYAGI KEN.....................
Minami San Riku Community Farewell Party for Fr. Haru
News From Ishinomaki
Me and Erva were very lucky to meet Fr. Luc Colla. He was here in japan for three
weeks. After his 35 years of stay in the Philipines he was asked to go back to Rome. He was
telling different stories regarding his stay in the Philippines. And I was trying to looked at his face.
Trying to see how he feels about leaving the country he had spent half of his life. Since I got no
answer, out of curiosity, I asked him this question,” which is more hurting, the one who's leaving
or the one who was being left?” And he simply answered me, the one who was being left. Well said.
Thank you Fr. Luc for giving your service and love to my fellow Filipinos.
BY: Marife Sugawara
with Fr. Luc during his visit in Ofunato |
April 2 Chile Earthquake
Last April 2 we heard the news about the earthquake in Chile. The day after that we have the tsunami warning raised in Tohoku. I was in Osaka myself this day and I was calling Aiko san to know the situation in Ofunato. Here is what Aiko had recorded in our activity log for April 2
We are still vulnerable to earthquakes and tsunami here in our area. I hope we are always ready and prepared. Please always check our emergency supplies.
May 14 (Wed) - Hirosaki Church 11:00 Rosary and Mass
May 17 (Sat)) - Ichinoseki Church 2:00 pm Tagalog Mass
May 18 (Sun) - Ishinomaki Church 10:00 International Mass
Minami San Riku 2:00 pm Tagalog Mass
Ofunato Church 1:00 pm General
Assembly & Mass
May 24 (Sat) - Koriyama Church 5:00 pm English Mass
May 25 (Sun) -Shirakawa Church 9:30 International Mass