I have found this article from Zenit and found it worth sharing. I hope that we will try ourselves this 3 step plan to overcome conflict in our communities.
Pope in Morning Homily Gives 3-Step Plan for Overcoming Conflict
Warns That Insulting a Brother Is Akin to Murder, Since Both Are Rooted in Hate
VATICAN CITY, June 12, 2014 (Zenit.org) - During his morning Mass in Casa Santa Marta, Pope Francis today proposed a three-step plan for overcoming conflict and living in fraternal communion with one's neighbor.
He addressed the question of how we ought to love one another, drawing from the Gospel reading of the day, which recounts the Lord’s conversation with His disciples about brotherly love (Mt 5:20-26).
The Pope first recommended a "criterion of realism: of sane realism."
"If you have something against another and you cannot fix it, look for a [compromise] solution - at least," he suggested.
The Pontiff acknowledged that a compromise might not be ideal but is at least a good thing and is "realism."
In order to save many things, in fact, “one must make a deal – and one takes a step, the other takes another step and at least there is peace: a very [imperfect] peace, but a peace agreement [nevertheless].”
We face many difficult situations in life, and, “while we are on the road, we make compromises … and in this way we put a stop to hate and strife among us," Francis said.
He proposed a second criterion, coherence, meaning a recognition that "to speak ill of someone is to kill the other, because the act [of insulting] is rooted in hatred all the same.”
It is to “kill” our neighbor in “a different way: with gossip, with calumny, with defamation. Jesus warns us: The one who calls his brother stupid is killing his brother, because the act is rooted in hate," Francis said. “In our day, we think that ‘not killing our brother’ means simply not actually murdering him – but no – not killing our brother means not [even] insulting him. The insult comes from the same root of the crime: hatred. If you do not hate, and you would not kill your enemy, your brother, then do not insult him either."
Finally, the Pope said, Jesus offers a third criterion, that of "fraternity rooted in sonship.”
“If we must not kill our brother, it is because he is our brother, that is, because we have the same Father. I cannot go to the Father if I do not have peace with my brother," the Pontiff reflected.
“Do not talk to the Father if you are not at peace with your brother – if you do not have at least a compromise agreement," he insisted. "Do not talk to the Father without being at peace with your brother."
Faith in Action
France Fair In Ishinomaki
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on stage- during the France Fair. |
The Sendai Support Center for Foreigners joined the France Fair, a two day event and bazaar in Ishinomaki event centre near the Ishinomaki Station.
We were able to contact the lay missionaries who were French and ask them if they could join. We were surprised by their response, they even suggest to bake cookies and cakes and have a mini concert for the event. We were lucky too to have a volunteer who knows his to speak French. It is indeed a blessing.
Our friend from Ofunato also came to render a mini concert of flute and cello. The music add some French flavour to the event. One of those who went to the event told me that, the French Fair is a unique event here in Ishinomaki and it is a good way make the city alive and looked international in character.
The Filipino from Ichinoseki came to join in the event and added a fun to the fair.
the Ichinoseki and Ofunato community came to the event |
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with the children and the painted faces |
IMPRESSIONS ............
Aiko with Sylvie |
To say the truth it was my first French Fair in Japan... Actually
the First Fair I'm involed in !
I have to say that I was very impressed by the organization, by the
Family atmosphere of this Fair. Everybody was very happy to participate to this
fair with a special French Taste.
I am first impressed by the reason of this event.
As you know Ishinomaki was destroyed by the Tsunami. Thousands
of people lost property, friends, and family members 3 years ago.
One of the organizers was one of those thousands who were dammages
were very affected. Somehow she went to France for
holidays most of all to try to pouch away the “pain” who was in her.
The magic appeared, everything around her was new. New friends, new
food, new environment, new language, new ways of seeing reality... and she
completely forget the tragedy the tsunami in Ishinomaki during her stay in
France. She came back refreshed and ready to face up her new life,her problems
This experience changed something in her, gave her new hope and
desire to go forth in life.
She wanted to share her experience, give hope to the resident of
Ishinomaki. Offer them an event to open their heart, their mind, to see
something different and escape from the hard daily life.
Then, the story continued and here we are : last Week-end, June
21-22 2014 at Ishinomaki Station.
I am a french women living in Sendai with 3 other French persons. I
was invited by Sendai Diocese Support Center for Foreigners to participate at the French Fair bringing my accordion
and selling cakes and French goodies.
We meet the challenge and cook during the week. French cakes and
cookies with special French decorations. It was tiring but very rewarding to have a
French smell and flavor in my house during all this days.
The fair took place near the Ishinomaki station with more than 15 stands
and many people came to the fair. We had
French food, cakes, crepes but also French style decorations (antiquity with a
touch of kitch) and of course French wine and beverage! International stands
offered also different food (Thai – Philippine) to satisty all the tastes.
Kids were also their to enjoy the party and danced on French songs played by the
accordion and guitar. This two days together allow us to know each other, to give ourself
to others, bring smile and hope.
It was a succes !
I already have new ideas to improve this fair. Please join us next
year... I will let you know on time !
I would like to thank the organizers and Sendai Diocese Support Center for Foreigners to allow us
to participate on this wonderful event.
Noda Machi Mass
Our monthly mass was quit different because we have three guitarist. We will be preparing more songs and will have a time to practice to that at least we can have more participation in our mass. There were around 20 0f us who attended the mass this time.
Onahama Catholic Church Mass - Iwaki Fukushima
For some time we have not been able to celebrate a mass in Iwaki. This month of June I am able to find a time to celebrate the mass with the group in Onahama. When we arrived in the Church it was still close, so I called the parish priest of Iwaki church if there are people near Onahama area who could open the church for us. Luckily, one of the christians came to decorate the church for the mass and we were able to celebrate the mass.
As suggested by the group to celebrate the mass on Sundays, we will still have to ask the parish priest and the Fukushima district priest about the suggestion of the group.
Iwaki Catholic Church
Ryuta kun with her mother after the baptism |
We have our monthly mass in Iwaki Catholic Church last June 22 and we were happy to have the baptism of Ryuta Onodera. I arrived an hour before the mass and prepared for the baptism. It was good to know that most of the things were prepared already. I was planning to meet the parents before the baptism for some explanation about the baptismal rite when I realise that both parents were Filipinos. Still I explain some few details about the baptism.
After the baptism, i joined the simple gathering and party in Ueda machi and met most of the god parents there.
The mass was also well attended and the choir is doing their best to make celebration of the Eucharist alive.
with the choir members |
After talking with the priests from the Koriyama district, we plan to have our Tagalog Mass in Koriyama Catholic Church on the fifth sunday of the month. We were lucky to have some visitors who came all the way from Tokyo to be with us. They helped us during the mass especially in the singing and leading us during the liturgy.
We will plan to have another mass this coming November where we have a fifth Sunday for this month.
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our choir in Koriyama Community |
PhilCom Sendai 3rd Anniversary Celebration
Last June 1, PhilCom Sendai Celebrated their 3rd Anniversary of their foundation.
Kessenuma Bayanihan bags Global Bayaning Pilipino Award
We would like congratulate the Bayanihan Kesennuma Filipino Community and all its leaders for receiving the Global Bayanihang Pilipino Award- A Gawad Geny Lopez award for their achievements in the community in Kesennuma to achieve common goals and dedicating efforts to help each other, the community and their fellow Filipinos. Congratulations!!!!
Charity Concert for Leyte in Ishinomaki
Our Filipino group in Ishinomaki joined in the charity concert for Leyte. The concert is meant to gather some money to buy musical instruments for the children in the typhoon devastated areas in Leyte. We are very thank for the sponsors of the concert and the Ishinomaki City for this help for our country.
Ishinomaki Mass and Bonding
Fr. Aizu and I concelebrated in the mass here in Ishinomaki. We have visitors from Niigata Diocese. They came to visit the areas of Minami San Riku and Ishinomaki to see the devastation of tsunami here. After the mass, I talked with the Filipinos and Fr. Aizu asked me to distribute the rice for those who would wanted to have one. Fr. Aizu then gave us the list of the Filipinos in the area and we hope to visit them and will plan for our activities here in the future.
Minami San Riku Mass and Gathering
We celebrated the Tagalog mass in Minami San Riku on Trinity Sunday. We are blessed to have many attendees for our mass that day. Aiko and Chiba san accompanied in the singing during the mass. After the mass, the group practiced the dance step for the matsuri this coming summer. Amelia was leading the group. The children also joined in the practice.
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our youngest dancer in Minani San Riku |
Fr Edgar Celebrates International Mass in Mizusawa
FR. Edgar celebrated the mass in the Mizusawa Church. Filipinos from Ofunato church joined Fr. Edgar to go to Mizusawa and celebrated the mass with the community
International Mass in Kuji Catholic Church
We arrived just in time for the International Mass in Kuji and there were already Christians who are preparing the mass. We were surprised to see the church because it was newly reformed. There were new faces in among the Filipinos and we were introduced to them. Aiko accompanied in the singing for the mass. It was indeed a wonderful time to celebrate the Pentecost in both Japanese and English language mass.
Ichinoseki Mass
We have our Tagalog Mass every third Saturday of the month in Ichinoseki Catholic Church. This month we were happy see a lot of people attending our mass. After the mass, there was an announcement that there will baptism this coming July 6 (First Sunday of the month). Our parish priest also ask if there are others who wanted their child to be baptised and we could do it together that sunday. There is also a preparation for the first communion of the children. The initial date will be on August.
Hachinohe Catholic Church Mass
We gathered together in Hachinohe Church to celebrate the Pentecost and also to thank sister Janine who is leaving for Canada next month. Sister Janine replaced sister Mary, who also went home last year due to health problems, to help with the foreigners in the Church. We thank sister for her guidance and service to the group.
Dear Father Gary et Aiko San, Message to shashin, arigatoo gozaimasu!. Sugu, sister Mary ni dashimashita... Kono Kyokai kara hanarete, kantan dewa arimasen ga... toku ni Philippinjin kara... Sato shimpu Sama to Sister Mary to watashi wa 40 nen kan gurai Philippin jin to kosai shite, iroiro no koto o oboemashita, totemo tanoshii koto mo ippai arimashita. Ima kara mo ochikara ni natte kudasai ne... Watashi wa Canada de OINORI tsuzukeru yoo ni. Watashi no tame mo oinori kudasai . Senshu no go-misa no toki, Gary shimpu Sama no okotoba to oinori, honto ni arigatoo gozaimashita. Chikara ni narimasu!. Ogenki de, Kami Sama no Okuni no hatten no tame ni, doko ni itte mo, hatarakimasho!
Hirosaki Catholic Church Mass
We arrive the day before for our mass and we were welcomed by Fr. Too in the church. Fr. Too prepared a tea for us in Kenyan style and we had some sharing about his family in Kenya. We went our for a meal together with the Filipinas in the area.
The next day June 11, had our rosary, novena and English mass in the church. There were new faces who attended the mass. After the mass they were introduced to the group. We hope to have more people attending our prayer and mass here in Hirosaki Church.
Annabelle with her Family |
I’m Annabelle Cayubit-Carisma, born and raised in Paranaque City, Philippines, married with three kids. Presently, I am studying Nihongo at Hirosaki University. I’m blessed to get a scholarship and stay here to conduct research about Special Education. I’m a Special Education Teacher in the Philippines teaching children with Intellectual Disabilities. I was here since last year of September. After six months, I was able to get my family with me. The kids are presently studying here (quite tough because they have to adjust especially in using Nihongo). For a few months last year, I was attending mass in Protestant church which my Malaysian classmate attended to. I just have followed everything they do, anyway, I have my own prayers to utter and I know it is Jesus and the Holy Father that knows what is inside my heart. Accidentally one of my kids bumped with Sister Pat Quilo-an in Sanwado. I say something in Filipino and she told us “uuyy, Filipino ka?”. We exchanged numbers then she told me about the church (which was very near the Protestant Church I went in). May this year, me and my family went to the church and was able to meet more of our Kababayan, such a nice feeling! Attending Mass in Nihongo is quite difficult since I am still studying the basics. With a little knowledge, I happen to get by and sometimes not. Thanks to English pamphlet- no need to get worry about kids questions about the message of the mass. Last June 11, I was able to meet Father Garry Gestoveo and attended my first English Mass in a foreign land-たのしかったです!!!
Annabelle Carisma
Thank you Fr. Patrick
a visit at the temporary house |
We were indeed blessed to be visited by Fr. Patrick from Osaka. He came for a week as volunteer in the base and to help in Ofunato Church. The Ofunato community welcomes Fr. Patrict and had prepared a simple welcome party for him. After the Sunday mass, he also made an effort to visit Ishinomaki and join in the event there. He went back to Osaka in June 23.
We hope he will come back and spend longer time with us here in Tohoku.
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in Ishinomaki |
Mass Schedule for July 2014
July 5 (Sat) - Shirakawa Catholic Church - Tagalog Mass
and Rosary 1 pm
July 6 (Sun) - Watari Catholic Church - International Mass 11 am
Noda Catholic Church - English Mass 3 pm
July 9 (Wed)- Hirosaki Catholic Church - Novena and
English Mass 11 am
July 12 (Sat)- Kuji Catholic Church - English Mass 2 pm
July 13 (Sun)-Hachinohe Catholic Church - English Mass 1 pm
July 19 (Sat)- Ichinoseki Catholic Church - Tagalog Mass 2 pm
Couples for Christ Seminar in Ofunato
July 20 (Sun)-Couples For Christ in Ofunato Catholic Church
Ofunato Catholic Church-International Mass 9:30 am
July 27 (Sun) Koriyama Catholic Church - Japanese Mass 9 am
Iwaki Catholic Church - English Mass 2 pm